The Next Big Thing — digital signage is dynamic, compelling and targeted.Whether you call it “digital signage”, “narrowcasting”, “digital in-store merchandising”, or “electronic billboards”, it’s the fastest growing segment of the digital display industry. Syntronic Systems offers a complete line of digital sign solutions.
Retail Sector
Retail Digital Signage projects are popping up everywhere in the retail landscape… System owners, designers and integrators are excited and gearing up for what should be an ongoing surge in network installations and expansions. In some cases this means entirely new designs and in others it means rethinking screen placements, screen counts and screen sizes.
Service Sector
The service industry consists of a wide range of different facilities offering an array of services. From government offices, banks and healthcare facilities to salons and real estate offices, each have waiting areas for clients. By replacing the standard waiting room brochures with digital signage these companies are able to eliminate much of the need for printed information.
Hospitality Sector
The hospitality industry is a perfect venue in which to utilize digital signage advertising. With digital signage, you can advertise services, products and events to increase customer traffic and make the customer experience a pleasant one. Restaurants, movie theaters, casinos and hotels are prime examples of hospitality venues that see a huge return on investment(ROI).
Public Spaces
Visitors need information and digital signage is the most effective way to provide them with that information. Utilizing digital signage in public displays allows you to communicate your corporate message and create a more personal experience for your visitors. Convention centers, arenas, shopping malls and transportation hubs all have similar communication goals in mind. They want to highlight the different areas of their facility while providing directional messaging to show visitors how to get there.